
It seems like one of the barriers to the puppet production rollout that I am
working towards will be user adoption. For this purpose, I want to manage
all common tasks with UIs that autogenerate the puppet code, so that the
admins only have to go through the full build process for custom code
changes and not routine processes.

Autogenerate Examples:

  manifests/managed-server.pp (node group definitions will be an
autogenerated file)
    users uses scripts (maybe a GUI later) to add hosts to a group, remove
hosts, move hosts, also used by the kickstart scripts to add hosts after

    the init.pp for this modules resolves its user list from this
autogenerated file

    keeps a list of user password files.

Is anyone doing something similar?

To do this correctly, I need to use some of the Puppet core API for parsing
files, maybe a verfiy function or create fucntion. Can someone point me to a
good starting place for these fucntions? Also what is the expectation for
backwards compatibility when using the API internals (very low, I assume??)
Most of the functionality will just be config files in the files dir for a
module that are loaded at run time.



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