I am struggling with a multiple operating system Puppet setup.  My
Ubuntu client complains that "Configuration could not be instantiated"
and the warning message references a module that is for OpenSolaris
clients only (blastwave).

Please help me if you can.  I have been spinning my wheels for hours.


import "nodes"
import "templates"


node basenode {
        case $operatingsystem {
                "Debian": { include baseapps }
                "Solaris": {
                        include automount, blastwave, ips, syslog,

node default inherits basenode {}


node foo inherits basenode {
        include named::server, ntp::server

node bar inherits basenode {}

U B U N T U   C L I E N T :

r...@bar:~# puppetd --no-daemonize --server puppetmaster --verbose --
waitforcert 60
notice: Starting Puppet client version 0.24.5
info: Retrieving plugins
err: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to retrieve current state of
resource: No specified source was found from puppet://puppetmaster/plugins
warning: Configuration could not be instantiated: Could not find
dependency File[blastwave-install] for Exec[pkgutil -y -i `grep -v ^# /
var/opt/csw/pkgutil/blastwave-install`] at /etc//opt/csw/puppet/
modules/blastwave/manifests/init.pp:36; using cached catalog
notice: Starting catalog run
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.06 seconds

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