On 5/13/2009 4:10 PM, Jeremy Thurgood wrote:
> The problem is that the provider suitability resolution happens before
> any of the ordering. Consider the following simplified class:
> class mysql {
>     package { "mysql-client": ensure => installed }
>     package { "mysql-server": ensure => installed }
>     mysql_user { "u...@localhost":
>         password_hash => "hashed password",
>         require => [Package["mysql-server"], Package["mysql-client"]],
>     }
> }
> One would expect the two packages would be installed and then the new
> db user to be created. However, the mysql_user provider needs
> /usr/bin/mysql to be present. Since it isn't (because mysql isn't
> installed yet), no suitable providers are found and the run fails
> immediately.

I may be naive here, since I've never written my own types, but I'm 
wondering if a puppet definition for mysql_user would be better than 
writing a native puppet type. Something like:

   mysql_user { "u...@localhost": password_hash => "hashed password" }


   define mysql_user (
     $password_hash = "someknownhash"
   ) {
     exec { "create_$name":
       command => "mysql -e 'CREATE USER $name IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 
       require => [Package["mysql-server"], Package["mysql-client"]],

The types I see on the documentation pages all appear to be written in 
straight Ruby, and don't rely on external programs to run.

Mike Renfro  / R&D Engineer, Center for Manufacturing Research,
931 372-3601 / Tennessee Technological University

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