
> yumrepo { "pic":
>                 baseurl      => 
> "http://server/mrepo/local-PIC-noarch/RPMS.pic/";,
>                 descr        => "pic",
>                 name         => "pic",
>                 enabled      => absent,
>         }
> *i also tried with "absent" and ' absent' .

I think it is ensure => absent

enable is to disable the repo, but to keep the information on disk.
However the type seems to assume enable => true for every option
different than false or 0.

> so, default option in site.pp is mandataory for the type?

I don't think so. However if you look at the yum-module I wrote
(http://git.puppet.immerda.ch/?p=module-yum.git) I manage the whole
directory of yum.repos.d to get rid off unmanaged repos.

cheers pete.

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