RijilV wrote:
> 2009/5/7 Jeremy Hansen <jer...@skidrow.la>:
>> I'm new to puppet. I'm trying to use some real case examples to better
>> understand how Puppet works.
>> Here's my case:
>> exec { "usermod -d /home/hadoop -s /bin/bash hadoop":
>> unless => "test `grep ^hadoop /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print
>> $6}'` == '/home/hadoop'"
>> }
>> The idea is the usermod would only get executed if the user's home
>> directory was something other then /home/hadoop. But I see in the
>> client logs that regardless of the condition, the usermod command gets
>> run each and every time.
>> Any tips on what I'm doing wrong?
>> Thanks!
>> -jeremy
> Well, you might want to use the user type:
> user { "hadoop":
> home => "/home/hadoop",
> }
> Though more generally it would be interesting to know why that test is
> failing even if the user's homedir is set correctly. Which version of
> puppet are you using? I assume you've run that command on the command
> line and gotten the correct exit value?
Of course right after writing this mail, I found the user functions and
that works perfectly, but like you said, I would still like to
understand why this didn't work. I have other such tests I'd like to run.
> .r'
> >
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