On May 6, 3:51 pm, 骡骡 <ken.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> in 1st day of each month , change passwd of root.
> # vi /etc/puppet/modules/user/manifests/init.pp
> class user {
> exec { "rootpw":
> command => "/usr/sbin/usermod -p $rootpw root",
> onlyif => "/usr/bin/test `/bin/date -d now +%d` = '01'",
> }
> }
> # vi /etc/puppet/manifests/templates.pp
> import user
> node basenode {
> $rootpw = "Vale.com-init"
> include user
> }
change : Use MD5 encryption
command => "/bin/echo 'root:$rootpw' | /usr/sbin/chpasswd -m",
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