Is it this issue?

You need to have ruby-shadow library and restart puppetd.

On May 6, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Andrew Wasilczuk wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can someone tell me what is the reason for the pw user provider not
> supporting the password parameter?  As far as I know one can pipe an
> encrypted password string to pw and it will set it as expected.
> As a workaround I'm using an exec to achieve this functionality:
> define users::freebsd_user($gid, $uid, $comment, $password, $shell) {
>     user { $name:
>         ensure      => present,
>         comment  => $comment,
>         gid            => $gid,
>         uid            => $uid,
>         password => $password,
>         shell         => $shell,
>         notify       => Exec["passwd_$name"];
>     }
>     exec { "passwd_$name":
>         path              => "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",
>         command     => "echo '$password' | /usr/sbin/pw usermod  
> $name -H 0",
>         refreshonly => "true";
>     }
> }
> However it would be cleaner if the built-in type supported this.  Is
> there a technical reason why this wasn't done?
> Cheers,
> Andrew.
> --
> .   __/_/_  w:
> .  __/_/_   t: 020 7100 1447
> .   / /     e:
> >

Peter Burkholder
AARP | Web Strategy & Operations | 601 E Street, NW | Washington, DC  
20049 | aim: peterbtech | ph: 202-434-3530 | cell:  
202-344-7129 |

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