I'm fed up so I thought I'd turn to you guys and see if you can stop
me from setting fire to my office.  I'm trying to add
nagios::service{} statements to various modules throughout my
configuration, but ONLY if the node in question uses a define of
nagios::target.  This is so I don't break nagios constantly by adding
apache on unmonitored hosts.

In nodes.pp: (this is hlslinutil1, the nagios server itself)

    # Must be before other modules!
    nagios::target{ "": notification_period => "24x7" }
    include nagios

    include commvault
    include puppetmaster
    include splunk::client
    include cobbler


define nagios::target(
    $notification_period = "24x7"
    nagios::host {$fqdn: notification_period => "$notification_period"}


    nagios::service { "ssh-$hostname":
        host_name => "$fqdn",
        check_command => 'check_ssh',
        service_description => "ssh-$hostname",


    if defined(Nagios::Target[""]) {
           if $apachelistening80 == "true" {
                nagios::service { "http-$hostname":
                        host_name => "$fqdn",
                        service_description => "http on $hostname",
                        check_command =>

           if $apachelistening443 == "true" {
                nagios::service { "https-$hostname":
                        host_name => "$fqdn",
                        service_description => "https on $hostname",
                        check_command =>


The nagios module includes apache, so what I wanted to see was:

nagios::target is called.
nagios is included.
apache is included -> does the check, sees nagios::target already
called, adds the two nagios::service statements.

What I see is:

no monitoring on apache at all.

I have tried dozens of ways around this but I just cannot work out
what the hell is wrong.  I can't do defined(Nagios_host) (adds apache
monitoring for all hosts), I can't do defined(Nagios_host["$fqdn"])
(doesn't work at all again) and I'm out of clever ideas.  It's almost
as if it checks the defined() against the puppetmaster rather than the
client.  Someone rescue me?

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