James Turnbull wrote:
> This is the beta1 release of Puppet 0.25.0.
> It is available at:
> http://reductivelabs.com/downloads/puppet/puppet-0.25.0beta1.tar.gz
> This is not production ready code - it is a beta release for
> testing.  The beta is largely feature complete and the extent of
> testing and issues will determine how soon we move to a release
> candidate.  So we would ask everyone to test and report issues with
> the beta.

FWIW, Fedora and EPEL packages are available for testing at:


(For those that dislike the augeus and selinux dependencies, you can
now rebuild using --without augeas and/or --without selinux to avoid

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Disobedience:  The silver lining to the cloud of servitude.
    -- Ambrose Bierce

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