
> [...]
> Basically I want all of the client files I drop into puppet to be  
> transferred to the destination machine, without having to specify  
> each file individually(There are about 4 dozen of them). I'm also  
> trying to avoid having just one monster Bacula file.
> I have also tried it without the *. Any suggestions?
> On a side note, anyone know how to get to Outlook to bottom reply?

this should work, I do that a lot. But note: Until 0.25 copying large  
or a large amount of files might cause heavy memory usage!

file { "/etc/bacula/clients/":
   recurse => true,
   source  => "puppet:///bacula/clients/",
   notify  => Service[bacula],
   owner   => "root", group => "root", mode => 655;

basically you don't have to use the wild-card. Neither for Source nor  
for target. For sure you can add a path alias as well as you had.

cheers pete

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