I prefer copying the repos over using a template.  This way all my 
CentOS boxes have the same repos.  If I were to add any Fedora boxes to 
the mix I'd add the repos to the Fedora {} block.

case $operatingsystem  {
        CentOS : {

          file { "epel" :
            path => "/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo",
             owner => root,
             group => root,
             mode => 644,
             content => template("yum-module/epel.repo.erb"),
             ensure => file
         Fedora : {
           # Fedora repos here

Here is the template that goes in the 
/etc/puppet/modules/yum-module/template/ directory

== SNIP ==

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux <%= lsbmajdistrelease %> - 
lsbmajdistrelease %>/$basearch
lsbmajdistrelease %>&arch=$basearch
enabled=<%= enableme %>

== SNIP ==


t.kend...@kew.org wrote:
> I'm running puppet 0.24.6 on CentOS 5.2 from a puppetmaster on a
> virtual server to a variety
> of client servers both virtual and metal running either CentOS 5.2 or
> Fedora Core 10. I want to
> extend this to servers running RHEL 5 (and 6) in the near future.
> My problem is I have puppet set up with all repositories (mirrored
> locally using cobbler)
> included in one file in /etc/yum.repos.d/kewrepos.repo on the
> puppermaster. This file contains
> both Centos and Fedora repos and when I run a yum update I just --
> disablerepo=whichever I don't want,
> which can be done as a cron job.
> The difficulty is sometimes puppet runs yum automatically, which loops
> on a CentOS webserver
> trying to reinstall httpd, getting confused by the presence of Fedora
> repositories.
> My question is how can I set up puppet so that I can tell, once and
> for all, The Fedora boxes to
> look at the Fedora repos and the CentOS boxes to CentOS repos only? I
> want to be able to
> configure unlimited repos in the future for workstations (Fedora) and
> servers (CentOS or RHEL).
> Thanks in advance
> Tim Kendall
> I just added Kew Gardens where I work to your Wiki list of users
> > 

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