
>> Have a look at http://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-iptables/tree/master
>> It's work in progress (and currently stalled). It works for me on a
>> dozen redhat 5.x hosts.
> I just started playing with this. It seems pretty convenient. One
> question though, how do you ensure iptables is installed? Right now, I'm
> just sticking a package resource in, but the first run results in
> errors, when puppet tries to apply iptables rules before the binaries
> exist.

so you should do a global Package require at the top of your site.pp:

Iptables {
   require => Package['iptables'],

this is the quick solution I see foor that. Another thing would be to
add the require for every iptables call you do, maybe do then the call
in a warpper define.
IMHO you should even be able to do this within the provider, however I
don't this would be the way to go, or is it?

cheers pete

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