
I am managing ntpd with puppet (CentOS 5.2, puppet 0.24.7), and I
would like that ntpd restart when the config file changes. But to make
ntpd restart and take into account the new config file I had to
specify the "restart" parameter in the service section. (restart => "/
sbin/service ntpd restart").
I thought I should not have to specify the restart parameter as the
refresh with the tool service is managed by puppet, isn't it ?

The log output :

Mar 23 11:08:17 cors003 puppetd[1863]: (//Node[default]/ntp/File
[ntp.conf]/source) replacing from source puppet:///files/ntp/ntp.conf
with contents
Mar 23 11:08:17 cors003 puppetd[1863]: (//Node[default]/ntp/Service
[ntpd]) Triggering 'refresh' from 1 dependencies

but NTPd is not restarting, my config file is this one :

class ntp {
        file { "ntp.conf":
                name => "/etc/ntp.conf",
                mode => 644,
                owner => "root",
                group => "root",
                backup => false,
                links => follow,
                source => "puppet:///files/ntp/ntp.conf"

        package { "ntp": ensure => installed }

        service { "ntpd":
                subscribe => File["ntp.conf"],
                require => File["ntp.conf"],
                restart => true,
                ensure => running,

If I add the following line in the service section :
restart => "/sbin/service ntpd restart"
the log output remains the same however ntpd restart and take into
account the new config file.

Is that a normal behaviour ? is that a bug ?


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