On Mar 3, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Arnau Bria wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Mar 2009 19:32:55 +0100
> Bjørn Dyre Dyresen wrote:
> Hi,
>> Maybe Im a bit blunt here, but what are you expecting to gain from
>> that many puppetmasterds? What I have observed is that when when a
>> client request a compilation of configuration the prossess can run
>> into 100%. That means it runs into full capability of that cpu core.
>> I can not see how it gains you running more puppetmasterds than you
>> have cpu cores?
> Well, if one master gets hundresd's coneections and it gives me
> timeouts, and, if I add more puppetmasters they get less and less
> connections, and the host is not swapping and it responds very well, I
> try tun more masters as I get less connections timeouts.
>> If you have a decent server with eg a quadcore cpu and 4gb ram as you
>> say, you shouldn't have any problems. Could the problem be that you
>> are doing heavy file serving that might be best taken care of by some
>> other service? (configured by puppet of course)
> Well, 3.1 MB and 100 files (IIRC) is a heavy file serving? most of the
> files are under same dir, so I copy then recursevely... is it really
> heaavy?

No, not heavy at all.

>> Is there any reason to have them connect all at once? You could throw
>> a script in cron.daily on the client that restarts puppet at a random
>> interval every day. Then it will even out.
> Sure, I could, but, as someone said here, puppet can handle 100 hosts,
> and noone talked about having to run puppet via cron, I supposed that
> puppet daemon was a good idea.

Sorry, didn't mean to run puppet from cron. Just to trigger a random  
restart, which won't be needed if you follow Joshua Andersons  
suggestion.  100 nodes is not much at all.

> Thanks for your reply,
> Arnau
> >

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