I Have scheduling working quite well for many different OS's.

I'm using something like that ina class inhertied by all machines.
class host-base::schedule {
    # maintance schedule, run only once a day, between 2-4
    schedule { maint:
        range => "2 - 4",
        period => daily,
        repeat => 1

do you the define the schedule inside a class or a node definition?


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Matt McLeod <m...@boggle.org> wrote:

> Luke Kanies wrote:
> > I've not seen this before, and I just verified that finding a schedule
> > shouldn't be at all related to the order in which resources get
> > instantiated on the client or anything silly like that.
> >
> > This is just happening on a single node?
> It's happened on the two nodes I'm testing with, but they're both
> running the same Puppet+etc stack.
> I've just built a fresh stack for SPARC and am testing that at the
> moment.  The problem has cropped up there yet but it's only been
> running a few hours and it's been intermittent on the first two nodes.
> I've just rolled out a much simpler test case:
>        schedule {testsched:
>                period=>daily,
>                range=>"14 - 22",
>                repeat=>1
>        }
>        file{"/tmp/puppet-test.foo":
>                ensure=>directory,
>                schedule=>testsched
>        }
> to a couple of machines (Solaris 10/x86, Solaris 8/SPARC, CentOS)
> to see how that goes.  It'd be just my luck that some oddity in our
> Sol10/x86 build environment tickles something in Ruby the wrong way...
> Will come back with more info tomorrow once it's been running for
> 24 hours with the simplified test case.
> Matt
> --
> * Matt McLeod | mail: m...@boggle.org | blog: http://abortrephrase.com/ *
>     --- People can do the work, so machines have time to think ---
> >

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