Luke Kanies <> writes:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 8:14 PM, Daniel Pittman wrote:
>> We are currently looking to integrate etckeeper[1] into our puppet
>> managed hosts, especially the legacy hosts that are still partially
>> under manual control.
>> etckeeper is, essentially, a wrapper around a VCS for /etc, tracking
>> changes in file content.
>> When I say "integrate" I mean, specifically, that we would like
>> puppet to commit any changes using etckeeper after running, to
>> capture all the changes into the revision history.[2]
>> So, essentially, what I would like is to run an 'exec' command at the
>> very end of puppet processing, after *all* other actions are
>> complete.
>> It there any sane way to express this in the puppet language?
>> (We do already run puppet from a shell script, so I will integrate
>> this there if I can't do it within the manifest, but I would rather
>> avoid that path if I can...)
> I've never been able to come up with a clean way of forcing a given
> resource to the end of the graph.  We could just implement 'first' and
> 'last' metaparams, but what happens when you have multiple of them?

Hmmmm.  My expectation of multiple items with a "last" tag is that they
would behave like any other round of resources: unordered, unless they
had internal dependencies.

  exec { "example 1": last => true }
  exec { "example 2": last => true, require => Exec["example 1"] }
  exec { "example 2": last => true }

That would, I would anticipate, run example 2 after example 1, but
without defined order to example 3.

Perhaps something like "weight" would be more appropriate, to allow a
resource to be pushed around in the graph?

  exec { "example 1": weight => 100 }  # 100 is standard
  exec { "example 2": weight => 200 }  # gonna happen later...
  exec { "example 3": weight => 150 }  # half way between...
  exec { "example 4": weight => 300, before => Exec["example 1"] }

In that, I would imagine that the resolver would run example 4 prior to
example 1, but might emit a warning about the constraint being
roughed-up, perhaps?

> Really, if someone has some experience with directed graphs and is
> interested in spending a bit of time on Puppet, we could probably come
> up with a straightforward way of doing this, but it requires a new way
> of specifying relationships plus some skullduggery while building the
> graph.

I think the biggest problem, though, is that I don't have a formal
notion of what I want to achieve, just an informal desire to integrate
with a bit of software in a specific fashion.

I might, perhaps, think a bit more about this and see if I can make some
more concrete proposal about the whole thing...


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