On Feb 6, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Tom D. Davidson wrote:

>>> what is the format of the xml payload?
>> Currently xmlrpc over https, and the payload varies but is usually
>> just serialized ruby objects.
> ok, right. with Puppet there is not device management tree because the
> device is abstracted. Instead the payload carries the rescipies?

The payload for the configuration stage is the result of compilation,  
and is data-only (no variables, no functions, etc.).

>>> push? from server to client? how does puppetmasterd know of agent
>>> capabilities?
>> Pull, from client to server.  And the server does not currently have
>> any way to respond to the client's features, other than including the
>> client's facts during the compile process.
> FYI OMA-DM is a pull from the client, but there are way around to tell
> the client to make the pull.
> Clients facts during compile.... this is at puppetmastered? so the
> server still needs to know the unique details of each device/client?

The client discovers its facts and pushes them to the server, and the  
server then uses them to compile the configuration.

SCSI is *not* magic. There are fundamental technical reasons
why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain
now and then.
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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