Hi all

I have a thorny problem I can't work out a way to Puppet around.
Caution: long, confusing, probably badly-explained.

We use Autonomy IDOL 7, which I've packaged into an RPM that installs
in /opt/idol7/shared. This is a generic install -- to actually
configure an IDOL server we set up /opt/idol7/Instance, which contains
a configuration file and symlinks to the shared binary and other
resources. E.g.:

[r...@dev ~]# ls -l /opt/idol7/Intranet
-rw-r--r--  1 idol idol   13277 Dec  9 13:04 IntranetIDOLServer.cfg
lrwxrwxrwx  1 idol idol      52 Aug 21 09:19 IntranetIDOLServer.exe -
> /opt/idol7/shared/content/content.exe
lrwxrwxrwx  1 idol idol      42 Aug 21 09:19 langfiles -> /opt/idol7/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 idol idol      55 Aug 21 09:19 libautnxslt.so -> /opt/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 idol idol      40 Aug 21 09:19 modules -> /opt/idol7/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 idol idol      42 Aug 21 09:19 templates -> /opt/idol7/

Most of these symlinks are set up by the in-house init script we use.
The only things that are actually needed are the configuration file
and binary symlink, so:

class autonomy::idol7 inherits autonomy {
  define instance() {
    file {
        ensure  => directory,
        owner   => "idol",
        group   => "idol",
        require => Package["IDOL7"];
        ensure    => present,
        owner     => "idol",
        group     => "idol",
        notify    => Service["${title}IDOL7Server"],
        source    => "puppet://$servername/autonomy/idol7/${title}
        ensure    => present,
        mode      => 755,
        content   => template("autonomy/idol7/init.sh.erb");

    service { "${title}IDOL7Server":
      # links to in-house init script

node foo {
  autonomy::idol7::instance { "Intranet": }

The first time the service is started the rest of the symlinks are

But! Now and then I need to override some files in langfiles. If this
is necessary we'd remove the symlinked-to-shared langfiles, copy the
shared langfiles directory into the Instance directory and replace the
appropriate files. E.g.:

* rm /opt/idol7/Instance/langfiles
* cp -prv /opt/idol7/shared/langfiles /opt/idol7/Instance
* cp /file/store/foo.dat /opt/idol7/Instance/langfiles

I'd rather get Puppet to do this. Ideally I'd do:

node foo {
  autonomy::idol7::instance { "Intranet":
    "langfiles" => "override"

And have my define() remove the symlink, copy the shared files over
and then copy the contents of "puppet://$servername/autonomy/idol7/$
{title}/langfiles" into /opt/idol7/${title}/langfiles. Implementing
this is where I fall down. At the moment all I can think of is
something like:

define instance($langfiles = "") {

  case $langfiles ? {
    "": {
      file { # make symlink to shared }
    default: {
      exec { "idol7_copy_langfiles":
        # remove symlink, copy shared langfiles

      file { "/opt/idol7/${title}/langfiles":
        ensure  => directory,
        source  => "puppet://$servername/autonomy/idol7/${title}/
        require => Exec["idol7_copy_langfiles"]

This is a bit nasty -- I'd need to figure out a way to make the exec
only run once or each Puppet run will clobber my overridden files and
then replace them again. If I do work out how to make it only run once
Puppet won't update the instances if the contents of the shared
directory change, or if I fat-fingeredly remove a non-managed file
from /opt/idol7/Instance/langfiles.

So, any ideas? How can I do this cleanly? And thanks for reading this


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