On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 02:12:03PM +1100, Daniel Pittman wrote:
> nicolas <ncapp...@yahoo.fr> writes:
> > For these applications, we need to have a very good control. So we'll
> > never update them via local update utility nor use an ensure => latest
> > We always use ensure => x.y.z
> > We also need to be able to do rollback, so it's simpler to remove
> > everything from say, version 1-3-2, and then apply version 1-3-1
> >
> > I understand that our needs are specific, but there is something that
> > surprise me with Puppet : if you don't explicitly remove something
> > that was deployed previously with Puppet, then it stays
> There are other software configuration tools, such as bcfg2[1], that take
> an approach similar to what you describe here: they treat anything not
> configured as an aberration and remove it.

> [...] 

> Footnotes: 
> [1]  They may have changed this in the last year or two since I reviewed
>      the tool, but this more illustrative than a genuine pointer.

In my experience (which is admittedly limited), bcfg2 doesn't remove anything
without explicitly being told to do so.  What it does do is to tell you that
"Hey!  You've got unconfigured stuff here!  Is that what you want?"

In my opinion, granting a similar capacity to puppet (as an option) would be a
huge gain.  I would *love* to know if things are being configured on my systems
without being done through puppet.  For example, if a new user is added, that
could be an admin doing something stupid, or it could be a rootkit.  But unless
something tells me about it, I might never know.

We chose puppet over bcfg2 because of the notation (bcfg2 is XML!  Gah!) and
the user community, but it was tough because I actually like bcfg2's
comprehensive model a lot more.


Eric Gerlach, Network Administrator
Federation of Students
University of Waterloo
p: (519) 888-4567 x36329
e: egerl...@feds.uwaterloo.ca

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