Hello there

I'm deploying a program which has generic and OS specific (as well as
architecture, but that's a minor issue). So in essence i'm deploying
from blah_generic/etc recursive and then blah_linux/etc . I need the
files from both operations, but was hitting some snags (I've found a
work around):
1) the second operation replaces the files from the first operation.
2) I was thinking symlinks, but i doubt that would be very
3) then I was thinking copy, but then i have issues with
maintainability and consumption of extra space.

2 and 3 aren't major issues, but there are conceivably going to be
updates so i would like it to remain clean.

My work around (which might be the solution) is that instead of a
recursive copy of the directory into the same place, i copy the
specified files, but alas that isn't dynamic and would require extra
work when upgrade time comes....

I'm guessing i'm missing a type operation... here is what i've got:

class blah
        if (skip_blah != "true")
                ## deploy generic
                # transfer generic data
                { "/var/blah/blah_v2":
                        path    => "/var/blah/blah_v2",
                        owner   => blah,
                        group   => blah,
                        mode    => 775,
                        recurse => true,
                        source  => "puppet:///blah/blah_v2_generic",

                ## choose by OS for specific
                case $operatingsystem
                                { "/var/blah/blah_v2_linux/etc":
# no good                               path    => "/var/blah/blah/etc",
                                        owner   => blah,
                                        group   => blah,
                                        mode    => 775,
# no good                       recurse => true,
# no good                        source  => "puppet:///blah/
                                        source  =>

with the "no good"s being replaced by the alternate "source => [...]"
statement .

Is there a more dynamic way of doing this?

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