On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 12:16:10PM -0600, Luke Kanies wrote:
> It does create a local copy -- but it only creates the local copy  
> after $6 has been set to a single value (the last one).  Remember that  
> the setcode block is lazy-evaluated; it's evaluated when the fact  
> value is asked for, rather than when the fact is defined.
Okay. Because $6 is a global variable there's only one value associated with
it, and it is that value that is referenced when the setcode block is called.
In the case of the `local' variable below, the block/closure "remembers" its
instance value from the time of the definition but in the case of the
`$global' variable there is only one instance, whose value at the end is
common to all closures.

The following code demonstrates the difference:

    lizzy:/tmp% cat x 
    class Foo
      def setcode(&block)
        @block = block
      def value

    a = []

    3.times do |i|
      a << f = Foo.new
      local, $global = i, i
      f.setcode do
        [local, $global]

    a.each do |elem|
      p elem.value
    lizzy:/tmp% ruby x
    [0, 2]
    [1, 2]
    [2, 2]

Hope I got that right. Thanks again, Luke.

Jos Backus
jos at catnook.com

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