James Turnbull schrieb am 07. Jan 2009 um 22:03:03 CET:
> windowsrefund wrote:
> > I've got a check defined in nagios that allows me to determine if a
> > puppet client has not updated itself in awhile
> > 
> > /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_file_age -f /var/lib/puppet/state/
> > state.yaml -w 3600 -c 4000
> Have you seen the puppetlast script?  It's in the ext/ directory of the
> Puppet package.  That might be useful too.

This script runs only on the puppetmaster (at least for Debian Lenny, it's
part of the puppetmaster-package) and it displays a list of hosts and when the
last run was.

I would also prefer a by-host check like the OP. Is anything wrong with the
proposed check_file_age?


Helmut Lichtenberg  <helmut.lichtenb...@fli.bund.de>  Tel.: 05034/871-128
Institut für Nutztiergenetik (FLI)         31535 Neustadt         Germany

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