Ben Beuchler wrote:
> I'm fairly certain I encountered the preferred pattern for inheriting
> from a class for the specific purpose of disabling it.  I can't seem
> to find it anymore.  Any pointers?

The ones I use are a bit different than AJ's, and don't really use 
inheritance. Don't know if I saw this elsewhere first, but if a 
disabling class is supposed to override everything that the enabling 
class did, then I'm not sure if inheritance does anything for you. Example:

class pgicdk {

     package {
         [ "pgicdk" ]:
             ensure  => latest,

     file {
             source => "puppet:///pgicdk/pgicdk-$",
             owner  => root,
             group  => root,
             mode   => 0644;

     file {
             source => "puppet:///pgicdk/license.dat",
             owner  => root,
             group  => root,
             require => Package["pgicdk"],
             mode   => 0644;

class pgicdk::disabled {
     package {
         [ "pgicdk" ]:
             ensure  => absent,
             require => File["/opt/pgi/license.dat"],

     file {
             ensure => absent,

     file {
             ensure => absent,

Mike Renfro  / R&D Engineer, Center for Manufacturing Research,
931 372-3601 / Tennessee Technological University --

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