R.I.Pienaar wrote: > There are also> 10 nagios types, yet we don't install nagios on > every server, it can manage k5 stuff, yet we don't force that on > everyone. We install it where we need it. Puppet *requires* ruby, > it does not require augeas or nagios.
The size of pulling in nagios versus ruby-augeas is something that is considered here too. Since rpm has no concept of Suggests: like deb does, there is a bit of a balancing act. When we can pull things in so that functionality "just works" without drastically increasing the requirements, we do so. Is there a problem caused, other than the loss of a few kb of disk space, by requiring ruby-augeas? > I think the line should be drawn between critical requires and > optional fluff that enable a feature but that many people don't want > to use. That's certainly a valid belief. There are also others who prefer that their packaging system will pull in additional packages so that things work out of the box with less fiddling. Pleasing everyone with one package isn't possible. As the new augeas type was one of the features listed in the release announcement, we felt ensuring that it worked by default was a worthy trade-off. -- Todd OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic. -- H. L. Mencken
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