Ben Beuchler wrote:
> My initial base config contained a "vim" package.  After installing a
> few servers I realized what I really wanted was a "vim-nox" package.
> Feeling clever, I changed this:
> package {"vim":
>       ensure => installed,
> }
> To this:
> package {"vim":
>      name => "vim-nox",
>      ensure => installed,
> }
> That way I could still refer to the package by the generic term "vim"
> but I would get the bloated version.  Unfortunately, none of the
> client nodes are picking up the change.  They seem to think that since
> the resource is still called "vim" they don't have to re-install it.
> Is there anything I can do to get this change to propagate?  Of course
> if I go to each client and remove the "vim" package it gets replaced
> at the next run with "vim-nox", but I'm hoping for something a bit
> more elegant.  And, perhaps, an explanation enumerating the ways in
> which my course of action was clueless.

The fact that a run after manually removing the vim package installs vim-nox
suggests to me that puppet itself is actually picking up on the change fine.
(You could run puppetd with --debug to check this.)

My first thought would be that your vim package is set up to advertise itself
as providing an acceptable substitute for the vim-nox package.  Thus, when
puppet asks your package manager "do you have the vim-nox package installed?"
it says "sure!"  You don't say which package manager you're using, so this is
purely speculation, but it would be simple enough to create a manifest to test
this out.  Try something like this:

package { "vim-purge":
  name => "vim",
  ensure => absent
package { "vim":
  name => "vim-nox",
  ensure => installed,
  require => Package["vim-purge"]

The require should make sure that it uninstalls the vim package before
attempting to install the vim-nox package.

As an alternative, you could make a tiny class that contains just those two
packages, and then refer to the vim class instead.  That way you'd avoid the
potentially confusing title vs name differences.

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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