As I understand it, refreshonly ensures the command will only run when a 
dependent object is changed, hence only subscribe and notify trigger it, not 
require. So I don't think either exec would be called in your manifest. I might 
be missing something there though.

But regardless, I'm not sure how you could get the exec to run before the 
is changed. As I understand it, if you use require without refreshonly, the 
resource will just be applied before the file resource regardless of whether 
file is being changed or not. To only run the exec when the file is being 
changed, you'd have to use refreshonly with notify or subscribe, or 
independently determine that the file is about to be changed (possibly with an 
onlyif command).

And if you do use refreshonly, with notify, it will only notify after the file 
has changed I believe. Similarly a subscribe will only run the exec after the 
file has changed. I don't think there's any way to notify an object that 
something is about to change. Basically, notify is 'notify after', and AFAIK 
there's no 'notify before'.

One option might be to stop and start the server every time regardless of 
whether the file is being updated or not, but that seems less than ideal. An 
expert may well be able to offer a better solution, but as a workaround I'd 
suggest managing a copy of the server binary rather than the binary itself. 
have an exec type subscribed to the copy that, upon changes, stops the server, 
copies the new binary over the old binary, and starts the server. It's not 
particularly elegant, but it should definitely work and it's probably simpler 
than trying to determine whether the file is about to change from within the 
stop-server exec.


Mathew Binkley wrote:
> Hi.  I'm hoping that someone can help me with a simple example.  We
> are trying to use puppet to update a server binary to a group of
> machines.  Here's pseudocode for what I'm trying:
> if (server_binary has changed) {
>       1)  stop the old server
>       2)  overwrite the old server binary by
>                fetching the new server binary from puppet
>       3)  start the new server
> }
> Below is the puppet manifest I wrote to handle this, but it isn't
> working properly.  It is 1) downloading the new binary and then 2)
> stopping the server, which screws up our data.  I've been looking
> through the documentation, and it isn't clear which permutation of
> before, require, subscribe, or notify is necessary to accomplish
> this.  Hope someone can enlighten me.  - Mat
> file { "/usr/local/sbin/server_binary":
>         source  => "puppet:///files/server_binary",
>         require => Exec["stop-server"],
>         before  => Exec["start-server"]
> }
> # Stops the server
> exec { "/usr/local/sbin/stop-server":
>         alias       => "stop-server",
>         refreshonly => true
> }
> # Starts the server
> exec { "/usr/local/sbin/start-server":
>         alias       => "start-server",
>         refreshonly => true
> }
Robert Fay                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator                    office: 220
High Energy Physics Division            tel (int): 43396
Oliver Lodge Laboratory                 tel (ext): +44 (0)151 794 3396
University of Liverpool       

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