Hi all,

I have a couple of files that puppet is trying to copy each time it
The first one is a plain text file with a "1" inside:

# cat /opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim/pic/configure 
# md5sum /opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim/pic/configure 
b026324c6904b2a9cb4b88d6d61c81d1  /opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim/pic/configure

# cat /etc/puppet/files/opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim/pic/configure 
# md5sum /etc/puppet/files/opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim/pic/configure 

But puppet says:

notice: checksum changed '{md5}b026324c6904b2a9cb4b88d6d61c81d1' to '{mtime}Mon 
Nov 24 14:58:13 CET 2008'
notice: replacing from source 
with contents {md5}b026324c6904b2a9cb4b88d6d61c81d1
notice: checksum changed '{mtime}Mon Nov 24 14:58:13 CET 2008' to '{mtime}Mon 
Nov 24 15:00:03 CET 2008'

Which causes a refresh of an exec:
notice: Triggering 'refresh' from 3 dependencies

I control that file with:

file { "/opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim":
                recurse => "true",
                owner   => "root",
                group   => "root",
                mode    => "700",
                source  => 
                notify   => Exec["yaim_conf"],

It was not in that dir originally, but I created it later. 
It was controlled under:
file { "/opt/localconf/gLite3.1/yaim":  
                ensure => mtime or timestamp, I don't remeber right

The other one is something similar. It's /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf wich
changes everytime snmp is restarted. So I decided not to contrl that
file, but puppet still tries to modify it:

notice: checksum changed '{mtime}Mon Nov 24 14:57:13 CET 2008' to '{mtime}Mon 
Nov 24 14:58:11 CET 2008'
notice: checksum changed '{md5}2bae7729229cff023cb03b0377cd7088' to 
notice: replacing from source 
puppet://gridinstall01.pic.es/files/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf with contents 
notice: mode changed '600' to '755'

All my snmp refernces :

 package { "net-snmp-utils":
                ensure  => installed,
                require => Service["snmpd-stop"],

        exec { "snmp-user":
                command     => "net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user 
                require     => Package["net-snmp-utils"],
                notify      => Service["snmpd"],

        file { "/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf":
                ensure   => present,
                owner    => "root",
                group    => "root",
                mode     => "755",
                source   => 
                notify   => service["snmpd"],
                require  => Package["net-snmp"],

        service { "snmpd-stop":
                ensure   => false,
                pattern  => "snmpd",
                require  => Package["net-snmp"],
                provider => redhat,

        service { "snmpd":
                ensure   => true,
                pattern  => "snmpd",
                require  => Package["net-snmp-utils"],
                require  => Package["net-snmp"],
                provider => redhat,

        package { "net-snmp":
                ensure   => installed,
                provider => "yum",
                before   => file["/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf"],
                before   => file["/var/net-snmp"],

So, why is puppet doing so?


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