>> - you want to install via a custom installer an application, so you
>>  need to do the following:
>>  1. copy the file and installer over
>>  2. run installer and cleanup
>Well, myself I'd package the application in the native package format,
>but I'm a bit crazy.

Take another example, then.

I've got Glassfish.  I want to configure an application domain.  As part
of the configuration, I want to configure a JDBC connection.

Not being totally mad, I want to not leave the database password lying
around in plain text, so I use Glassfish's handy feature of "password
aliases".  Unfortunately, these need a seed file, a plaintext file that
looks like:


So, I copy that over from my puppet server:

    file { 
            source => ...

And then I run asadmin to create the alias:

    exec {
        "$glassfish::GF/bin/asadmin create-password-alias 
            --passwordfile $glassfish::GF/jdbc_secret_password.txt 
            alias => "create_jdbc_password_alias",
            unless => "$glassfish::GF/bin/asadmin list-password-aliases | 
                grep -q jdbc_secret_password",
            require => [File["$glassfish::GF/jdbc_secret_password.txt"],

Unfortunately, this leaves the seed file, required only for the command
to run, lying around on disk.  Now, I can protect the file with mode
0400, or I can tidy it with a dependency on the exec command, but what
I really want is something like "refreshonly" for files; only copy the
file over if something is being evaluated that explicitly requires it.

Otherwise, I'll get the file appearing and disappearing again, which is
rather a waste of time.

    -- michael.

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