You want uid => undef


On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Tim Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a define that acts as a convenience wrapper around the user
> type and a few other things.
> With the 'user' type, if don't pass the uid parameter, it will default
> to let the system auto-assign it.  However, passing uid => null,
> false, -1, etc all try and set a specific uid, which is obviously wrong.
> Am I up a creek without a paddle :)?  Anybody have any idea how to do
> this?
> Here's what I have so far (it sucks, but it's the best I could do to
> work around):
> define normal_user ( $ensure = present, $comment = "Puppet created
> user", $groups = [], $default_password = false, $key_type = "ssh-rsa",
> $key_name = "puppet-installed-key", $key = false, $uid = false, $gid =
> false) {
>   # how do you pass in a variable as undefined???
>   if $uid {
>     user { $title:
>       ensure     => $ensure,
>       comment    => $comment,
>       home       => "/home/$title",
>       managehome => true,
>       groups     => $groups,
>       gid        => $gid,
>       uid        => $uid
>     }
>   } else {
>     user { $title:
>       ensure     => $ensure,
>       comment    => $comment,
>       home       => "/home/$title",
>       managehome => true,
>       groups     => $groups,
>     }
>   }
>   if $key {
>     ssh_authorized_key { $title: ensure => $ensure, type =>
> $key_type, user => $title, name => $key_name, key => $key }
>   }
>   if $default_password {
>     default_password { $title: password => $default_password }
>   }
> }
> Thanks!
> Tim
> >

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