On 2/11/08 12:47, Lars wrote:
>> Your Exec["postmap sasl.pwd"] uses refreshonly (good) but also creates
>> (not so good). The "creates" triggers only if the file doesn't exists.
>> If the file created file already exists, even if refreshonly is true, it
>> won't execute the command again.
>> Remove the "creates" should solve your issue.
> Thanks for the reply. I've removed the "creates" trigger, i can see
> you point. But I still get the error, also with or without the before
> trigger in the sasl pwd-file. Should the "before" trigger stay? The
> "Exec of postmap sasl.pwd" triggers on the pwd-file, so is it
> necessary to set that the file should be transfered before the
> execution.

The before is of no use I think.

The sasl.pwd file is created as it should, what is wrong is that your 
command returns an exit code of 1.

notice: //Node[basenode]/postfix_client/File[/etc/postfix/sasl/
sasl.pwd]/ensure: created
info: //Node[basenode]/postfix_client/File[/etc/postfix/sasl/
sasl.pwd]: Scheduling refresh of Exec[postmap sasl.pwd]

Then the exec is launched:
notice: //Node[basenode]/postfix_client/Exec[postmap sasl.pwd]:
Triggering 'refresh' from 1 dependencies

Which failed:
err: //Node[basenode]/postfix_client/Exec[postmap sasl.pwd]: Failed to
call refresh on Exec[postmap sasl.pwd]: postmap sasl.pwd returned 1
instead of 0 at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/postfix_client.pp:74

You should run the command youself by hand to see why it fails. You 
should try to run your puppetd with --debug also to see more 
information. Also have a look to your syslog/maillog/whateverlog because 
I remind that postmap logs something in case of error.

Hope that helps,
Brice Figureau
Days of Wonder

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