
This is how I'm trying to do that:
class admins {
   # tagowanie:
   #   admin - user jest adminem i pojawia się na wszystkich host'ach!
   #   tech  - user jest technikiem i pojawia się na bb
   # uid - od 1500 w górę

   # graf0 - Grzegorz Marszałek
   @user {
       ensure    => present,
       uid       => 1500,
       comment   => "Grzegorz Marszałek",
       home      => "/home/graf0",
       managehome=> true,
       shell     => "/bin/bash",
       password  => '...',
       groups    => admin,
       tag       => admin

   @ssh_authorized_key {
       ensure  => present,
       key     => "...",
       type    => "ssh-rsa",
       user    => graf0,
       tag     => admin

   @user {
       ensure    => present,
       uid       => 1501,
       comment   => "Zbyszek Żygadło",
       home      => "/home/zigzag",
       managehome=> true,
       shell     => "/bin/bash",
       password  => '...',
       groups    => admin,
       tag       => tech

   @user {
       ensure    => present,
       uid       => 1502,
       comment   => "Tomek Jerkiewicz",
       home      => "/home/tom",
       managehome=> true,
       shell     => "/bin/bash",
       password  => '$1$D2J.G3jc$asQ9pIQ.IF/zuA7FeZ7ko/',
       groups    => admin,
       tag       => tech

   @user {
       ensure  => present,
       comment => "system user",
       home    => "/home/bb",
       shell   => "/bin/bash",
       password=> '...',
       tag     => tech

   # ssh authorized keys - żeby można było wejść na bb
   # klucz graf0 :)
   @ssh_authorized_key {
       ensure  => present,
       key     => "...",
       type    => "ssh-rsa",
       user    => bb,
       tag     => tech

Then in other file:
class bb::new {
   include "router"
   include "slapd::master"
   include "pdns"
   include "dhcpd"
   include "pam_nss::local"
   include "ssh_access"
   include "apache2"
   include "phpldapadmin"
apache2::site {
   ensure => present,
   content => "NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ common
Include /etc/phpldapadmin/apache.conf
   require => Package["apache2"],
   include "admins"
   User <| tag==tech or tag==admin |>
   Ssh_auhtorized_key <| tag==tech or tag==admin |>

And in site.pp:
node "bb.0000.i.dragonfly.pl" inherits site_0000 {
   include "bb::new"

Wiadomość napisana w dniu 2008-10-20, o godz. 15:32, przez Francois  

> Hi Grzegorz,
> Grzegorz Marszałek wrote:
>> I've got question - how to use ssh_autorized_key as a virtual  
>> resource?
>> I've got bunch of users and ssh_authorized_key virtual resources, but
>> only users gets to the target system - ssh keys not...
> Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. Could you write a
> self-contained recipe showing this bug ?
> The following recipe worked as expected on my system running puppet  
> 0.24.5.
> ----
> class admins {
>  @ssh_authorized_key{"francois":
>    ensure => present,
>    key    => "blahhh",
>    type   => "rsa",
>    user   => "francois",
>    tag    => "admin"
>  }
> }
> include admins
> Ssh_authorized_key <| tag==admin |>
> ----
> François
> >

Grzegorz Marszałek
alias Ojciec Dyrektor ;)

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