[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon J Mudd) writes:

> The only thing that surprises me is that I don't see recipes or archives
> which mention the use of LVM for configuring servers with puppet yet
> this seems to be such a basic task of building a server. And at least
> 2 platforms I know use LVM: Linux and AIX, though I imagine other UNIX
> platforms do too.

Actually I'm wrong. There is a ticket
http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/ticket/475 which mentions
this. One thing perhaps it's missing is having the list of volume
groups and logical volumes in a place that can be used to check for
their existence.

For volume groups something list a list/hash of volume groups. If this
is not possible a : separated list of volume groups. That would be something 

# vgs
  VG              #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  xxxxx.wl0.org     1  23   0 wz--n- 465.56G 186.53G
  usbdisk.wl0.org   1   2   0 wz--n- 465.56G  32.00M

or $volume_groups = "xxxxx.wl0.org:usbdisk.wl0.org"

Logical volume information is more difficult as you have multiple
logical volumes under each volume group so storing in a scalar is ugly
and would produce very large strings.

So I have something similar on one of my machines:

# lvs
  LV                          VG              Attr   LSize   Origin Snap%  Move 
Log Copy%  Convert
  lv.vm.fc7                   vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lv.vm.fedora8               vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lv.vm.fedora9               vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lv.vm.rhel5                 vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lv.vm.rhel4                 vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lv.vm.rhel3                 vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lvbackup                    vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lvhome                      vg00            -wi-ao   1.00G
  lvmirror                    vg00            -wi-ao  10.00G
  lvopenpkg                   vg00            -wi-ao   5.00G
  lvroot                      vg00            -wi-ao  20.00G
  lvswap                      vg00            -wi-ao   4.00G
  lvtmp                       vg00            -wi-ao   1.00G
  lvvar                       vg00            -wi-ao   2.00G
  lvusr.local.rhel4           vg00            -wi-ao   1.00G
  LogVol01                    usbdisk         -wi-a-   1.94G
  LogVol00                    usbdisk         -wi-ao 463.59G

And this would give rather a huge scalar value if vg/lv were
concatenated and colon separated.

Ideally I'd like to be able to check

vg_exists( 'usbdisk' )
lv_exists( 'usbdisk/LogVol00' )

It seems that the puppet functions are run on the server and not on
the client so I'm not sure how I could write a function to
collect/return the information I need as obviously it needs to be run
on the client to be of any use. Again I may be misunderstanding something.

Writing shell scripts which return an appropriate exist status to
perform these tests is trivial, but I don't see how to collect the
information and then use it elsewhere from within puppet.


> Simon

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