Hi all,

We've got a release candidate for you all:


James apparently has a full release email ready, but apparently he's  
mortal and had to sleep.

It's a big release, especially with all the great language work Brice  
just did.

Here's the changelog:

     Fixed #1639 - uninitialized constant  

     Fixed #1637 - With an inexistant (global) templatedir, modules
     can't access their templates

     Fixed #1202 - Collection attribute matching doesn't parse arrays

     Fixed #1473 - Puppetd stops with error after puppetmasterd
     is unavailable

     Fixed #1354 - yum provider problems with RHEL 3

     Fixed #1633 - Added support for --detailed-exits to bin/puppet

     Fixed #381 - Allow Allow multiple overrides in one statement

     Fixing #947 - pluginsync no longer fails poorly when no plugins  

     Fixed #981 - Removed 'Adding aliases' info message

     Fixing #1089 - Log messages are now tagged with the log level,
     making it easier to match messages in the 'tagmail' report.

     Fixing #1098 - Multiline strings now correctly increment the line  

     Fixing #1614 - Environments no longer have to be listed out

     Fixed #1628 - Changed node search to use certname rather than  

     Fixed #1613 - The client environment will be substituted when  
     up settings.

     Updated puppet binary documentation

     Feature #1624 - Added RBAC roles to solaris user provider

     Fixed #1586 - Specifying "fully qualified" package names in Gentoo

     Fixed #1620 - Add 'sles' to Puppet confines when 'suse' is used

     Fixed #1585 - Allow complex 'if' and variable expressions

     Fixed #1564 - Saving File#checksum to state.yaml broken

     Fixed #1603 - Added support for running Puppet inside a Rack  
     (mod_rails) with Passenger and Apache

     Fixed #1596 - Deploying file resources with ++ generates error

     Modified the group and zone resource types to no longer call
     'currentpropvalues' as a means of setting all values to absent.
     There should be no behaviour change from this change.

     Modified the behaviour of resource-level 'retrieve' -- it only
     calls 'retrieve' on each property if the resource exists.

     Fixed #1622 - Users and their groups should again add in one  

     Fixed #791 - You should now be able to create and find a user/ 
group in one transaction.

     Fixed #1610 - Raise "Filebucketed" messages to Notice priority

     FIxed #1530 - ssh_authorized_keys provider does not crash anymore  
on SSH type 1 keys

     Added a number of confines to package providers

     Fixed #1609 - Added confines for the Gentoo, FreeBSD and
     SMF (Solaris) service providers

     Fixed #1608 - Added ubuntu to defaultfor for apt provider

     Fixed #1607 - Added ubuntu to defaultfor for Debian service

     Fixed #1045 - Multiple metaparams all get added to resources.

     Fixed #1472 -- defined, exported resources in the current compile
     now get expanded correctly.

     Fixed #1595 - Internally, Property#retrieve is no longer called
     when no 'should' value is available for a resource.

     Fixed #1588 - Fixed puppetca --clean --all

     Fixed #1584 - Added support for appended variables

     Fixed #1554 - Added support for multiple template directories

     Fixed #1500 - puppetrun not working

     Fixed #1579 and #1580 - errors in the Puppet RPM spec file

     Fixed #1572 -- file purging now fails if remote sources do not  

     Fixed #1521 -- ldap user and password are now used with the  
default connection.

     Fixed issues with file descriptors leaking into subprocesses

     Fixed #1568 - createpackage.sh

     Fixed #1571 - Puppet::Util::binary returns incorrect results

     Fixed #1553 - Puppet and Facter cannot both install the plist  
module into two different locations

     Adjusted hpuxuseradd user provider to confine to HP-UX and fixed  
HP-UX user provider path regression

     Fixed debug messages in package type - thanks to Todd Zullinger  
for this fix

     Fixed #1566 - changed password property of the user type

     Fixed debug messages in package type

     Updated Red Hat spec file

     Fixes #1455 - Adds HP-UX support for user type

     Fixes #1551 puppetmaster.freshness xmlrpc call returns incorrect  

     Fixes #1554 - Fix exception for undefined hostname

     Fixed #1533 - changed permissions for man directory

     Added daemontools and runit providers for service type

     Added simple rake task for running unit tests

     Added spec Rake task

     Fixed #1526 - Fixed leak in template

     Fixed #1506 - Removed storeconfig duplicate indexes

     Fixed #1457 - case insensitive match for error

     Fixed #1488 - Moved individual functions out of functions.rb into
     lib/puppet/parser/functions directory.  New functions should be  
create     in this directory.

     Fixed #1508 - Added HP-UX package provider

     Fixed #1502 - Fixed poor stored configuration performance

     Fixed #1510 - Storeconfiguration fixed for Rails 2.1

     Add the -P/--ping option to puppetrun, fixes #1501

     Fixed #1394 - Added stored configuration clearing script to /ext

     Fixed #1442 - replaced use of Facter for report titling with  

     Fixed $1456 - add proxy configuration capability to yum repo

     Fixed #1457 - removed confine warning

     A working script to create an OS X pkg out of the Puppet repository

     Fixed #1441 - Updated console colours

     Expose all puppet variables as instance member variables of the  
template wrapper.
     This helps resolve redmine #1427, by providing a safe mechanism  
to access variables.

      * Implement Puppet::Parser::Scope#to_hash, which returns a hash  
containing all the
        variable bindings in the current and, optionally, parent scope.
      * Use that to set instance member variables into  
      * Report the time taken for variable binding at debug level, to  
help identify any
        performance regression that is encountered in the real world.
      * Rename the @scope and @file members of the template wrapper,  
to avoid clashing
        with a scope variable exposed within puppet.

     Ensure that we consistently use either string #{} interpolation  
or String.%
     interpolation, not both, to avoid issues where a #{} interpolated  
     contains a % character.

     Feature #1476: Allow specification of --bindir --sbindir -- 
sitelibdir --mandir --destdir
     in installation

     Added feature #1241 : Improve performance of group lookups

     Fixed bug #1448: Puppet CA incorrectly writes out all certs to  
inventory .txt on each
     certificate signing

     Fixing puppetlast to make it work with 0.24.5 / 0.25.  Made  
puppetlast work on 0.24.5
     by using the YAML indirector

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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