Hi Pete,

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

> this module is originally based on DavidS' 
> Module:http://git.black.co.at/?p=module-shorewalland as I'm one of the authors
> of the version in of your repo I try to answer.
> (As I see currently the repo box isn't avaiable, an alternative source
> for the module would be 
> here:http://github.com/duritong/puppet-shorewall/tree/master)

Yep I originally tried using the source for both the common module and
the shorewall module available at http://git.black.co.at/?p=module-shorewall
and http://git.black.co.at/?p=module-common and they gave me the same
problem. I tried the source from 
simply because it looked like it had been updated more recently and I
thought the problem may have been fixed

> hmm this sounds like there is a problem in the basic setup of the
> module. you need to use the common module
> (http://github.com/duritong/puppet-common/tree/masterorhttp://git.black.co.at/?p=module-common)
>  for this module. are u using
> that one? Because this exec should be created through the concatenated
> file definition.
> the alias is created 
> in:http://github.com/duritong/puppet-common/tree/master/manifests/define...
> on line 68. so it sounds like it's not coming to this point.

That would make sense, but I am indeed using the common module :(

> btw: are you importing the common module in something like modules.pp in
> your manifests folder, like it is described in the common readme.

Yep. In the file /etc/puppet/manifests/modules.pp I am importing the
common module

> i normally use notices so I see them in the puppetmasterd, but you don't
> need to run it in debug or trace mode.

cheers I will give that a try

Just to give some more detail about my environment to aid in
troubleshooting, I am using the following version of puppet RPMS


from http://people.redhat.com/dlutter/yum/

Both client and server are CentOS 5.2

The contents of my /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp is as follows

import "nodes.pp"
import "modules.pp"
import "classes/*.pp"

$puppetserver = "server.example.com"
$server = "server.example.com"

The contents of my /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp is as follows

node "v6default" {

    include v6shorewall
    # include v6ntp::client


node "build1.vision6.com.au" inherits v6default {


And the contents of my /etc/puppet/manifests/modules.pp is as follows

import "common"
import "shorewall"

Finally the contents of my /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/
v6shorewall.pp is

class v6shorewall {
    ## base interface
    shorewall::interface {
        'eth0': zone => 'loc';

The most annoying thing about this error is that there should be no
problem with it seeing the exec_ procedure needed, though I did notice
in the puppetmasterd debug output that it outputs the following

info: Autoloaded module shorewall

But never mentions autoloading the common module. Perhaps this is
related to the problem?

Thanks for all the help,


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