I'm not familiar with the nfs_share type, but if permissions/ownership
aren't specified, they default to whatever Puppet is running as (which
is generally root).


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 3:00 AM, kenneho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used the nfs_share type to export NFS shares on server A:
>    nfs_share { "":
>         shares => ["/path/to/share/",
>                    "/path/to/another/share/"],
>         share_access => "server.example.com"
>     }
> The /etc/exports file on server A look like this:
>    /path/to/share    server.example.com(rw,sync)
>    /path/to/another/share    server.example.com(rw,sync)
> When running Puppet, I see that the ownership of these folders are
> changed to root, even though they owned by another user. Is this a bug/
> feature in Puppet, or is this maybe normal NFS export behavior? I
> haven't found info in the NFS manual describing this behavior, so I'm
> thinking this may be a puppet thing.
> Regards,
> Kenneth Holter
> >

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