Hi, I'm trying to manage war files on several tomcat servers. Here is
what I'm trying to do:

I have a source directory with war files that I want to sync to the
nodes. The nodes mount this directory via nfs.
When a change is detected I want to copy the war files from the nfs
share to /webapps, stop tomcat, remove any directories in /webapps and
restart tomcat.

The part that is hanging me up is the use of  the file resource on
directories. It does not seem to copy the files. I can get it to work
if I use it for 1 file but not the whole directory. Here is my def:

# make sure the NFS directory is mounted under /dist
class prep_puppet_nfs {
    file { nfs-dist:
            name => "/dist",
            ensure  => directory,
    mount { puppet-nfs:
            ensure => mounted,
            device => "$servername:/etc/puppet/dist/packages",
            fstype => "nfs",
            options => "ro",
            name => "/dist",
            subscribe => File[nfs-dist]

 define war_download($tomcat_version, $subdir) {

  $tomcat_major_v = $tomcat_version ? {
    "6.0.18" => "6",
    default => "6",

   file { "/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_version/webapps":
            source => "/dist/tomcat-wars/$subdir",
            owner => "tomcat",
            group => "tomcat",
            recurse => 1,
            checksum => md5,
            replace => true;

  exec { stop_tomcat_war:
     command => "/sbin/service tomcat$tomcat_major_v stop",
     path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
     user => root,
     group => root,
     refreshonly => true,
     subscribe => File["/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_version/

  exec { remove_war_dir:
     # removes just directories
     command => "find /home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_version/
webapps/* -type d | awk '/.\//' | xargs rm -rf",
     cwd => "/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_version/webapps",
     path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
     user => root,
     group => root,
     subscribe => Exec['stop_tomcat_war'],

  exec { start_tomcat_war:
     command => "/sbin/service tomcat$tomcat_major_v start",
     path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
     user => root,
     group => root,
     subscribe => Exec['remove_war_dir'],


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