Jake McHenry wrote:
> Hi everyone, I have tried running both the time, and time-udp service
> through xinetd, and my windows xp machines on the network can't get
> the time from it. But from those same XP machines, I can get the time
> fine from my port scanning app. Can someone tell my why the built in
> time sync app in windows xp can't read from the linux time server?    
> Thanks,
> Jake
Hmmm... on my network, I use the ntp protocol to keep my linux/w2k/xp
systems sync'd, not the time/time-udp services.


1) Configure ntpd to sync with a couple of public ntp servers near you.
Checkout: http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.html
for a list of stratum 1/2 servers. I use stratum 2 public servers.
BTW: Allow ntpd to synchronize. This process can take about 5 minutes or so.
i.e. man ntpq

2) On your w2k/xp systems, set and verify the ntp time servers using a
command prompt.
C:\> net time /setsntp:
C:\> net time /querysntp
The current SNTP value is:

3) Run the w32tm command in test mode to check that your ntp server is
answering queries.
C:\> w32tm -test -v -once

If you get something similar to the following snipped output, then your have
correctly setup ntpd. Otherwise check the "restrict" statment ntp.conf. Make
sure your network address is allowed to make queries.

W32Time:       BEGIN:GetSocketForSynch
W32Time:          NTP: ntpptrs[0] -
W32Time:          Port Pinging to - 123
W32Time:          Connecting to "" (
W32Time:             BEGIN:ComputeInterval
W32Time:             END  Line 2479
W32Time:             Sending to server  48 bytes...
W32Time:             Recv'ed from server  48 Bytes...
W32Time:       Adjusting time by 6 ms. No eventlog messages since
time difference is 0 <1 minute
W32Time:    END  Line 570
W32Time:    BEGIN:SetTimeNow
W32Time:    END  Line 1280
W32Time:    Time was 25min 39.206s
W32Time:    Time is  25min 39.212s

4) If the above is working as shown, then you can safely start the "Windows
Time" service. Check your event log.

Steve Cowles

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