I have a new Dell Dimension 4600 P4 3GHz and I installed RH 8.0. I noticed 
that neither the network card nor sound card were recognised on boot 
sequence, and I searched around and discovered that there is new Intel 
hardware (a motherbd with  integrated audio and NIC) that requires special 
drivers (www.intel.com/design/motherbd/linux/)

I followed the install instructions for the network card driver exactly:

Move the base driver tar file (pro100_pro1000.tar.gz) to /usr/local/src/e1000.
Untar/unzip it, then

Untar/unzip archive:

tar xvf e1000-5.0.43.tar

 Change to the driver src directory:
     cd e1000-x.x.x/src/
Compile the driver module:
     make install

[EMAIL PROTECTED] LINUX_Pro1000]# cd e1000-5.0.43/src/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] src]# make install
Makefile:81: *** Linux kernel source not found.  Stop.

Reading more documentation on the driver, I then found this:
"Selecting workstation installation and ensuring development tools for kernel
source are installed will ensure etc". Problem is, I selected personal
installation. Is this the only network driver that makes
this requirement?

To me (lacking expertise), this looks like re-installation, however I would
appreciate to know if there are alternatives in this case. 

many thanks


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