I don't quite know why you are doing what you are doing, but if you want
to push packets back to an interface, I would recommend using different
subnets on the individual interfaces.

What is the desired path of the packets?  L2 switch?  L3 router?

Your Linux box can act as a bridge (same function as an L2 switch), so
you need to set up your problem with the correct parameters.

There are fail over scenarios with two NICs in the same subnet,sometimes
with the same address, but that is a specialized condition.

Please be more specific about your objectives.

                                        Cheers, Patrick
On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 22:26, nauman ahmed wrote:
> i am doing a project in which there are two network interface cards
> configured in my  red hat 8.0 machine and i
> want thatt when i send packet from my 
> one card( to other( then these packets do
> not reach  the other card internally but rather externally i.e they
> get out from my first intyer face caed take a trip of the outside
> network and then my other inter face card" how could i achieve this???
> if u don,t know the answer please tell me an appropiate mailing list
> where i should 
> put up this question
>  thankyou
> noma
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