On Tuesday 22 July 2003 22:02, Matt D. Brei wrote:
> I got it to work.  I didn't use -Uhv.  And no, I wasn't using wildcards,
> it was just an example (bad one at that).  I was trying to update MySQL
> from 3.23 to 4.  I installed the client tools first, then the shared,
> then tried the server package but got errors about perl-DBD being needed
> by MySQL-3.23.  I then tried to remove MySQL-3.23 with the -ev option,
> that said it was required by perl-DBD, then when I tried to remove
> perl-DBD it said it was needed by MySQL-3.23.  I finally got it to work
> with a --force -ihv MySQL-server.rpm.  The databases are all up and
> running just fine on the new version.  For future reference though, how
> does one go about updating a package?  The way up2date does it.  I don't
> mind using up2date, but it always seems like its a few releases behind.

You would use -Uvh on the whole group of packages at once.

rpm -Uvh mysql-*.rpm

Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE
Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org)

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