You were right.
It's in the BIOS.

Georg Balmer

Charles Curley wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2003 at 10:59:12AM +0200, Georg Balmer wrote:
> > I have a server with RH 8.0 installed.
> > When I try to boot without console, just power on an wait,
> > the boot-process stops with keyboard failure.
> >
> > I need a hint or instructions on how to proceed.
> You didn't tell us anything about the hardware or BIOS on the sever,
> so all I can do is guess.
> At a guess, it is a BIOS problem. There may be some way in the BIOS to
> turn off checking for a keyboard and/or video card and/or monitor. A
> lot of older BIOSes require the keyboard, and you're stuck with it.
> If that doesn't work, can you get help from the hardware vendor?
> --
> Charles Curley                  /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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