
    I am trying to install RedHat 9 from a CDROM get from redhat.com and it
just do not install. When it get into tests it returns this message:

hda: host protected area => 1
hda: 156368016 sectores (80060 MB) W/2048 KiB Cache, CHS=9733/255/63, UDA
hdc: Drive CDROM Uniform CD-ROM driver revision 3.12

    And stay in this forever just like it had stop the machine. I tryed
RedHat 8 and stops in the same part.

    My machine is a PII 1.13, MB Soyo K7VBA133U, 256 MB RAM, HD Samsung 80Gb
7200 RPM, HP9100 CD-RW and a LG DVD-ROM. Can someone help me?


Nataniel Klug

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