Before you start the app, but after you get the shell prompt
on the remote system, what does 'echo $DISPLAY' output?

On your client system, is 'ForwardX11 yes' in your ssh_config
file?  On the server side, in the sshd_config file, do you
have something like this setup?

   X11Forwarding yes
   X11DisplayOffset 10
   X11UseLocalhost yes

Is the DISPLAY variable set to something like "localhost:0.0"
on the client side before you invoke ssh?

Have you tried something like 'ssh -2 -X -C [EMAIL PROTECTED]'?

Jeffrey Ross wrote:
I ssh (ssh <hostname>) into a remote system (RH 8.0) from a RH7.3 system, and when I attempt to open a X session I get:

Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

it used to work, not sure what I might have changed to stop it from working


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