Did you use one or two disks to boot for the install?

you need to use two  and run linux dd at the cammand line then use the driver 
disk to load the modules to get your network up


On Monday 23 June 2003 9:59 pm, Axes chen wrote:
> Dear admin
> I have Compaq armada1005 Labtop. CDROM drive not working in my Labtop. So
> idecided to install using local FTP server (by mounting Linux CD on windows
> FTP server root path).
> When i boot from floppy the installation option ask localharddisk,cdrom
> only . there is no network option.
> netwok connection was established by PCMCA card. so i think network
> connection not loaded by floppy disk. thats why it doesn't show boot from
> network option
> can any one help me how do i make recogonize PCMCA netwok card via linux
> boot disk?
> thanks in advance
> bala
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