On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 11:14, Keith Winston wrote:
> Camron W. Fox wrote:
> >     After six hours of not touching the machine:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] cwfox]$ free
> >              total       used       free     shared    buffers    
> > cached
> > Mem:       1030512     739676     290836          0      17408    
> > 611360
> > -/+ buffers/cache:     110908     919604
> > Swap:      2040244          0    2040244
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] cwfox]$
> > 
> >     At the end of 12 hours (untouched), memory use is above 95% and I
> > haven't even run an "ls".
> While you may not have done anything, Linux is never sleeping, it is 
> likely that after 12 hours, an updatedb was run to reindex your locate 
> database, countless other cron jobs were run and more stuff was given to 
> the disk cache.
> Does the machine ever lock up or refuse to run something after 12 hours?
> The Linux VM (which I know little about) was overhauled around 2.4.10, 
> but I would not worry unless you are seeing other symptoms.  Try running 
>   some memory hog programs like openoffice and mozilla after 12 hours 
> and recheck your memory.  You should see some reallocation.
> Best Regards,
> Keith
> -- 
> LPIC-2, MCSE, N+
> Droplets of yes and no in an ocean of maybe
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        Sorry. I failed to mention what happens afterwards. Yes, the system
comes to a grinding halt if I try to run apps like mozilla or openoffice
and makes operation untenable. I've double checked /etc/cron.d to make
sure nothing unnecessary is running. It acts as if reallocation is not

Best Regards,

Camron W. Fox
High Performance Computing Group
Fujitsu America, Inc.
Hilo Office
E-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Phone:          (808) 934-4102 
Pager:          (808) 934-1290
Cell:           (808) 937-5026  

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