On Sunday 30 March 2003 09:42, Redhat uttered:
> Hello to everyone in the list.
> What does the iscsi daemon do?  I setup scsi emulation for an atapi cdrw
> drive so I could burn cdroms.  I can still access my cdrw drive and burn
> cdroms whether or not iscsi is running.  
> What does iscsi do and how is it related to scsi emulation?

Er, didn't we already answer this one?  iSCSI is for SCSI over TCP/IP for 
shared storage, a cheap way to do FibreChannel(or something close do that).  
Definatly not necessary for IDE SCSI emulation, necessary for burning CDs in 
the current kernel.

Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE
Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org)

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