On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 09:21, Michael Smith wrote:
> Where do you get the other wine tools?
I got winetools from http://www.franksworld.net/winetools/

Franksworld has a lot of information about wine....I don't
know what his exact connection is with wine is, but the site is helpful.

winesetuptk is available (I think) on Sourceforge....the searching appears
to be down right now though.

winecheck.pl is somewhere on google, if you don't find it, I could mail you
my copy offline.

It appears that the people running the wine site have taken all of these
interesting glibc notes to heart, "Know Your glibc"...they have some
additional knowledge about this at:

I'm going to try using their workaround, I'll report back.


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