what version of kde/konqueror are you running?

This is what I have:
I know that I upgraded kdebase from 3.0.3-13 and left konqueror alone.


Cliff Kent wrote:

Sorry if this is a little late...

I just tried smb://server/share from konqueror on a rh8 workstation to a rh7.2 samba server. I was asked for a name and password. The share opened as expected.

I also tried the same syntax from konqueror on a rh8 workstation to a win95 share. The share opened as expected. No name/password was required by the win95 box.

I did think that gnome and nautilus did this more simply. But, I still prefer KDE.

In practice however...

I have the samba share duplicated as an NFS export. Windows boxes use samba. Linux boxes use NFS and a link to /mnt/net/server/share. The downside is that user names and passwords must be synchronized between linux and samba.


-- -regards

Stephen Mah - Systems Administrator
Oracle Global Desktop Architecture
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (650) 633-8834

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