Hi Pavel,
Thanks for the tip.
I tried your suggestion (>redhat-config-packages --tree=/u1/cmura/ISOs/, which is where the disc1-->5 iso's are located), but this doesn't help...
Well, at least the "redhat-config-packages" application opens properly, but when I check the packages to install (for example, to re-install Gnome from scratch) and click "Update", it hangs when it's computing package dependencies, with the errors "Packages Not Found" and then MANY "Unlocatable packages"...
But, these unlocatable packages really are installed on the system (for example, it complains about "pygtk2", which I know is installed because the command line ">rpm -qa | egrep -i pygtk2" returns "pygtk2-1.99.12-7"). So, "redhat-config-packages" is still mis-informed as to what is and is not installed on the system, and I don't know how to resolve this problem...
Thanks for any explanations/clues,


Pavel Rozenboim wrote:

I don't know what causes your problem, but if you have enough space, you can
either copy all packages from CDs to directory and use
'redhat-config-packages --tree=/path/to/packages' command or put the iso
images of your RH cdroms into one directory and use 'redhat-config-packages
--isodir=/path' command.

Also try to verify redhat-config-packages package (rpm -V
redhat-config-packages) and reinstall it if needed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Mura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, March 26, 2003 7:39 PM
Subject: problem w/ "redhat-config-packages"

*** SORRY for the possible double post -- I accidentally sent this email from a non-subscribed account just moments ago ***


I'm wondering if you could help me with a problem I'm having while trying to re-install packages from the RH 8.0 (psyche) distribution (or point me to another source of help).

Basically, I'm trying to (re)install (or over-write if they're already installed) several packages using the "redhat-config-packages" utility, because someone inadvertently deleted several KDE-related packages from my machine (like kghostview, kprinter, and a lot of other stuff). I have the 5 rh8.0 CD's, and in the past I was able to use the package manager utility located in the KDE menu > System Settings > Packages. The problem now is that


produces this error:

"Installation Tree Not Found. The path None does not look like a valid installation source."

[ Turns out that even this redhat-config-packages utility was deleted by accident, and I had to re-install it from the redhat-config-packages-1.0.1-1 RPM. ]

I tried rebuilding the RPM database (via "> rpm --rebuild"), but the same error occurs. I would do a clean re-install of Red Hat, but I've already spent a lot of time customizing the machine with scientific packages and whatnot. So, is there any way to easily recover the "redhat-config-packages" utility so that I can go ahead and install large groups of packages as in the initial RH installation procedure??

Thanks for any advice!

Cameron Mura

 Cameron Mura
 Urey Hall, Rm. 4234
 Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
 University of California, San Diego

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