I think you made some very good points. I would only like to stress the
fact that:

1) a *nix environment is probably the _best_ web server out there...
(not to mention the cheapest)

2) linux has, and probably (even though we don't like to admit it)
always will be a more complex operating system.

3) It works very well as a network server.

Other than that, compliments on your thoroughness. 

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 19:01, Mirabella, Mathew J wrote:
> This may not be a very structured and organised piece of prose on this issue, but it 
> includes all of what i essentially think on the topic.  Please correct me if i am 
> wrong on any particular technical issue.
> Windows and redhat might cost similar regarding the enterprise edition of redhat vs 
> windows xp pro, but the average person would probably just get the normal redhat cds 
> or download the os and install it for pretty much next to nothing.  So from this 
> perspective, windows XP is more expensive for a base system than is red hat.
> Also, with a Windows system you do have to purchase MS Office to get a suite of 
> products like openoffice which is free with red hat and new linux distros, or at 
> least free to download.
> Also with windows, you do have to purchase photoshop and a number of other tools for 
> audio editing, programming, etc. You can get freeware stuff for Windows, but this is 
> usually not as good quality and has less features and less support.  So you mostly 
> have to pay if you want good quality tools for windows.
> It can probably be argued that the applications that are free either with red hat or 
> which can be downloaded free are as good and in some cases better than good Windows 
> apps albeit sometimes with a few less features in the guis.
> So all things considered, red hat (and linux in general) is a lot cheaper and more 
> application rich at least from the standpoint of a base system.  And this is to be 
> expected when you consider the GNU stuff and the open source notions surrounding 
> linux/unix apps.
> In addition, it is widely suggested that linux is a far more stable OS than windows, 
> and certainly the filesystem (ext2 and ext3) is a lot faster and more efficient than 
> fat and ntfs).  Linux is also known as a far better system for networking, web 
> serving, and other such applications that are still dominated by unix style systems. 
>  You do not have to reboot linux as often as windows, you can do more things without 
> needing to reboot for those things to take effect, and you dont get as many system 
> crashes with linux.
> However, there is another side to the story.  Windows does come with full mp3 
> support, media players that support a wide range of media types, a web browser that 
> does really support css and xslt/xml stuff properly (netscape and mozilla have a 
> long way to go with css support, and in some cases, even tables and frames).  with 
> the addition of ms office, you have a range of office tools that are very feature 
> rich (still more so than openoffice), and an email client that is very easy to 
> configure (although, i have serious issues with microsoft exchange, but that is 
> another story).  while red hat 8.0 for their own perhaps reasonable reasons, have 
> not provided mp3 support out of the box.
> In short, from the cds of windows and office, the install process is very easy, it 
> has worked well every time i have tried to do it, and once everything is installed, 
> you can basically do everything right away without worrying about any special files 
> to edit, things to compile in just the right way with the right files in the right 
> dirs or they don't work, etc. etc.
> The user interface of windows is still way ahead of gnome or kde, and way less buggy 
> (in my experience).  The user interface is and has been more intuitive and 
> incorporates far more accessibility features than gnome or kde (although, these x 
> systems are moving in the right direction, they have a long way to go).  e.g. 
> problems people have with graphics card support and fonts stuffing up and system 
> hangs... and new issues arising after updates.
> in windows, graphics and sound are supported right away.  just install the drivers 
> if you need to and often you don't have to even do that... and it all works.  I have 
> heard of very few problems with windows in the same way as those with red hat on 
> this issue.
> my experience with red hat (and other linux distros) is that the installation 
> process is slightly more complicated than windows, but once you get it done, there 
> are still many more things you have to fix to get it working properly.  there are 
> excentricities with what red hat does have and does not have, excentricities with 
> what yor given linux distro sets up as default as opposed to others, and even what 
> is the default across versions of the same distro.  I find the maintenance of such 
> an os much more messy than windows.  especially when you have to even play around 
> with the kernel to get certain things to work properly that windows just does out of 
> the box.
> for example, red hat sets utf 8 support as the default, but in many common apps this 
> is not supported, so you get strange characters in emacs, etc.  taking the utf.8 off 
> from the i118n file leaves you with a font that does not support some highlighting, 
> so you have to change this as well.  I know that gnu apps are seperate from any 
> particular distro and i understand how these things interact, but at least windows 
> is a single os with a single direction where all things that are intended to work 
> together usually do so.
> updates from red hat (or whatever distro) are often difficult to manage.  e.g. the 
> glibc problems people are having, the issue of kernel updates being different from 
> other ones, etc.  With windows, just installing the update and rebooting results in 
> at the very least nothing broken that was not before.  I have seen many posts to the 
> litsts recently where people say "i installed the latest red hat update and now 
> application x does not work, but it did before... what has happened".  this has 
> never occured for windows in my experience.
> There may be some windows 95 apps that dont work in windows xp, but you can usually 
> get newer versions for the nt style of windows anyway.  What i really mean here is 
> that any updates to a particular version of windows (e.g. updates of windows xp) do 
> not break any currently running apps.
> I know that more immediate support with hardware is likely to be better for windows 
> because most hardware like sound cards etc are comercial in nature, and thus usually 
> come with windows drivers as a default.  e.g. creative labs sound cards.  This is 
> understandable, and it is not a criticism of red hat or any linux distro.  However, 
> if linux wantts to really hit the mass market, they have to learn three things from 
> windows.
> 1.  for the gui, it has to have a very intuitive and device independent accessible 
> user interface, or at least accessible as far as being a template for making 
> applications that are accessible to a veriety of access apps like screen readers 
> etc.  By device independent, i mean mouse + keyboard + whatever oelse access, to ALL 
> THINGS in the interface, not just one or the other, with keyboard access being 
> limited in some ways.  Gnome and kde are on the way, but have a long way to go on 
> this.  I know that windows screen readers and access apps are expensive, and 
> emacspeak and speakup for linux are free, but the windows GUI offers rich features 
> that are graphical PLUS accessible to a screen reader.  whereas at the moment in 
> linux, screen readers only work in the text environment.  If you want a graphical 
> web browser that is accessible, IE is currently the only one (but you have to get a 
> screen reader of course).
> 2.  Maintain compatibility with older ways of doing things.  Linux could be ahead 
> with this.  i.e. providing good text based applications with rich user interfaces as 
> well as the gui apps.  But i find it disappointing that new versions of distros of 
> linux cut out old apps like linuxconf in favour of only having gui based apps, 
> leaving text users to have to edit conf files etc.  This cuts off continuity leaving 
> people wondering what app they have to use now to configure their system as opposed 
> to what was available in 7.3 where it is now different in 8.0.  Windows may use 
> different styles and ways to do things from win 98 to win nt to win xp, but the apps 
> are fundementally the same in the way they are accessed from the desktop.
> 3.  it has to work really well out of the box for the average user with the kind of 
> hardware that people are buying now as well as older stuff, not only the kind of 
> hardware that people had available a year ago.  e.g. creative labs audigy 2 requires 
> significant kernel patching to work, and even then people have issues in linux.  All 
> apps have to work well together without conflicts, and the package management system 
> has to automatically install and configure dependencies etc.  the dselect and 
> apt-get stuff for debian is slightly ahead of rpm on this latter score.
> It has to be powerful and app rich, and linux is just that, but it also has to offer 
> the basic user a wide range of ready to go applications that people want to use 
> every day with minimum of fuss to get them going and no sudden rude issues of 
> something not working right after an in-version update or patch that fixes an old 
> bug.
> In short, out of the box, windows is intuitive and ready to go right away with 
> minimum config and maintenance issues, and a wealth of support for new hardware.  
> While many modern linux distro versions claim this, it is usually not quite the 
> case, or at least not yet.
> so which would I choose?  There are pros and cons of both.
> If i have time to muck around, install and re install, configure, experiment, work 
> out how this and that works, and i have time and want to learn the finer points of 
> networks and programming etc, i would choose linux. or maybe even free bsd! and i 
> might choose to live with the exentricities, taking them as a challenge.
> but...
> If i just wanted to start doing work, edit documents, write email, chat on the net, 
> browse the net, play audio stuff, and do all of this right away with a minimum of 
> fuss... I would use Windows with no hesitation, and i would live with the issues of 
> instability.
> and that is all i can think of to say at this point.
> Mat.
> Mat Mirabella
> Centre For Accessibility
> Telstra Research 03 9253 6712
> http://www.telstra.com.au/accessibility
> http://www.in.telstra.com.au/ism/centreforaccessibility
> Member:  W3C WAI WCAG Working Group.  http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Wilts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2003 1:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Red Hat 9
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 06:29:04PM -0500, Gerald Henriksen wrote:
> > So your average person at home now has a choice of Windows XP at $300
> > or Red Hat Enterprise Workstation at $300 ($60 a year after the first
> > year for access to security fixes).  Guess what, XP comes with full
> > multimedia capabilities including MP3 and DVD, as well as a full range
> > of software available for purchase including games, tax software, etc.
> > Which would you choose?  
> And Red Hat Linux comes with a full office suite, a Photoshop clone, a
> bunch of other utilities, web development tools, and a whole bunch more.
> You don't need to pay extra for Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and other
> imaging software, nor a project management suite.  Add them all up and
> you'll see that Windows is a *lot* more expensive.
> >And by the way, so far at least Microsoft
> > still offers free security fixes in the base price.
> As does Red Hat.  However, your pricing is suspect.  Windows XP Pro is
> $299.  Red hat Enterprise is $179/year for the download edition and $299
> per year for the standard edition.
> In the first 90 days, Microsoft offers you absolutely no support.  Red
> Hat offers telephone and web-based support.  If you need assistance
> setting up a desktop, this could save you a bunch.  The standard edition
> includes both phone and web support with service level guarantees and
> extends this for the entire year.  Microsoft support costs $245 for
> phone support *per incident*.
> -- 
> Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
> Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program
> -- 
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